Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More Reasons Why Western Civililzation is Collapsing

by Slate Quicksilver

Busy day today with many goings ons, but this needs to be shared:

You don't even have to read the article, the URL says it all. If you win a game by more than five points in this league in Canada, you lose. I could spend 5,000 words deriding the wimp-ification of this generation of children just as easily as I could go on about how many thing are wrong with this action being taken by that league.

Here it is boiled down to a simple concise thought: In the real world, there is no rule that says you can't lose by more than five points! Ask these guys. In this league, the oil spill would be suspended for at least 2 games. The world is not sunshine and lollipops and Western Civilization's march toward the middle is perfectly represented by this, tee ball leagues that don't keep score and people who try to ban the use of words. When these kids make it to middle school, bullies will not stop administering wedgies on the grounds of "fairness" or "compassion."

Point is, if you want to know why the center of the world has shifted to the far east in about 15 years, it's because kids in this league figured they'd share with the Chinese for a few years thinking that the Chinese will be happy to give us back control when it's our turn.

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