Friday, February 26, 2010

In Transit...

by Slate Quicksilver

A post is coming but this one is not it. We are currently en transit to a city.

Geographic Clues:
Midwestern US
Beacon of population amongst a sea of nothing
Good Food
Terrible Sports teams

Taking of care of business here, folks, but please enjoy this. Particularly if you are wrapped up in the Nor'Easter that is bringing the northeastern quad to its knees and making usually civil New Englanders revert to martial law. (Note: Martial law in Connecticut is equivalent to an Earth Day Parade in Utah).

While you are freezing, take solace in this song, which will certainly warm your cockles.

Don't be afraid of the synthesizers, it's ok, that's just 1972 calling and he's looking for maybe a light toke and a maybe a little afternoon delight to top it off. Stoner boner is a tough fix, even with all of the Coors Banquet beers he's put back, but don't worry, he trimmed his trash 'stache, and there aren't strings attached. In fact, 1972's only over because you're both single, it's 3:30 and the local ball game ain't on til five on channel 3.

When the jasmines are in bloom, July will be dressed up and playing her tune, indeed.


  1. The description of that song is probably the best/funniest thing I've read in years. "That's just 1972 calling" and the line about stoner boner and trimming the trash stache almost made my weekend opening beer shoot out of my nose. I've read it 10 times, also while listening to the song, and in addition to falling over laughing and having people from other rooms come over and make sure I'm OK. They instantly join in the crazy laughing. Well done!

    (By the way, awesome song. It just got put into my house's 70s ipod for parties.)

  2. Oh my God! You just almost killed my boyfriend (and me) with this post. We came over to his friend's room and laughed for pretty much 15 minutes straight.
