Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Only for Now

by Staff,

We here at PLS recently had a long late night fireside discussion involving cognac, cigars and smoking jackets. Among the many different topics touched on, the future was discussed the most. In doing so, we realized that our futures needed to be secured in a guaranteed way. Thus, with that vague statement, we're going to say that we're going on a hiatus for a few weeks.

The lack of posting perhaps made it evident that something was up. Life for Slate, Iroquois and Annie has become rather helter skelter lately. Unfortunately, it will only become more crazy in the coming weeks. There will be a point when things will be considerably less hectic and our posts can get back to a normal pace and level of excellence. We look forward to those days not only because we will be able to write regularly again, but because our stress levels will go back to average levels.

We have a regular group of readers, and we appreciate you coming here. We respect you more than just to spit out random crap and trying to get inconsistent bad posts up in the next few weeks would not reflect that. Without you guys (we know you are out there regardless of the lack of a commentariat), we would be realizing a fear we discussed when we open the site: that we'd be yelling into the dark void of nothingness that is "the internet."

This doesn't mean we are done forever. That is hardly the case. We want to keep this up as we enjoy writing it hopefully as much as you enjoy reading it. As mentioned before, we will be back in a few weeks. There may be a few posts here and there, but regular daily posting will not happen on a normal basis.

So thank you for reading this site and look for us down the road. When we come back, we will be stronger, more incisive and more laced with cursing than ever.

So long, for now, friends.

Our last words before we sign off for our hiatus: "To hell with Georgia, Vols suck Balls, Fuck the Noles, No Fat Chicks and DIS IS NOT A MOVIE!"

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to see you guys take off for a while.

    We'll see you guys on the flip side.

