Sunday, September 20, 2009

Welcome to Potluck Sports

By: Slate Quicksilver

This site serves several important purposes. First and foremost, this site will be about sports. You name the sport and if our ethnocentrist (USA USA USA) leanings are cool with said sport, we will write about it. Right now, we are a collection of a few post grads recently graduated from college with too much time on our hands. We are either furthering our education in one way or another, or trying to settle in to the dark and scary void known as "the real world." Rather than gab on and on about what this site will be, a Q&A should suffice:

What sports are deemed worthy of your attention?

In no particular order: Baseball, Football (College and Pro), Basketball (College and Pro), Hockey, Soccer, Golf, Fishing (!) and just about anything else we feel like.

What about Cricket?

Go away.

Slate Quicksilver, Annie Detroit... What's with your names?

Well, most importantly, but it's because we have boring names. Why bother with real names when you can have ridiculously cool ones? With cool names, your imagination of how awesome we are will grow exponentially.

Although it could be Annie Detroit, it isn't. She would never use a gun without a silencer.

What's this I hear about food?

We all love food. So every once in a while we are going to sing the praises of certain foods, restaurants, drinks, desserts and share experiences with such foods. It'll be great. We may even drop a recipe or two because we are all budding cooks.

I like food!
Good for you.

You have multiple authors, you talk about a lot of things and food is involved... is that why you are called Potluck Sports?
You don't pick up on subtlety do you?

How often will you update?

Enough to keep you coming back everyday. That's why we are rolling with more than just three contributors, we want this site to be successful.

I can read about sports anywhere. This is the internet, you know.
I agree. We read sports sites, blogs, newspapers, play fantasy football and baseball (and hockey) just like you. What we hope makes us special is that we all have different perspectives of sports because we live in different regions of the country, we all can write and we all have varying degrees of humor. Plus, there will be food entries, guest writers and tons of variety.

Sounds good.

I hope so.

What happens if nobody reads this?
Doesn't matter too much. Maybe the egos and self-esteems will be hurt a touch, but as I said, we all have too much time on our hands or we need a break/outlet. Hopefully our site will get some buzz, some readers and this could be cool. Leave comments both vitriolic and praise. We are all big people and we can take it. Writing on the internet with no readers is like screaming into a dark empty warehouse. Even if no one hears it, it sometimes is still cool and feels good.

What if this is a wild success?
We're inviting everyone to the champagne room.

Thanks for answering my questions.
No problem, have a good one.

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