Friday, October 9, 2009

A Quick Thought

By Slate Quicksilver

A drop that leads to a loss in the playoffs is tough. But a cockpunch as well? The Baseball Gods really stuck it Mr. Holliday.

We here at PLS like Matt Holliday. He has saved multiple fantasy teams here due to undervalued hitting and whatnot. I recall when he was with the Rockies and playing against the Marlins at Pro Player Landshark Robbie Stadium. He was warming up in left field throwing the ball with the 3rd base side ballboy. The ballboy was a bowling ball shaped 12 year old who had the arm accuracy of an aardvark. Holliday threw the ball to him. The kid crouched in fear as the ball sailed past his shoulder. The kid ran, got the ball, turned and threw a ball on a strange frisbee-like trajectory that caused Holliday to jump sidewides while turning around... he didn't want to have to chase this ball. Matt Holliday caught the ball, but also severely turned his ankle. He was removed from the game after the inning.

That brings us to last night. Ouch. That only happens in little league games with the poor kid being shuned and ostracized by his teammates even until high school forcing me to join the marching band despite braces and a back brace!


  1. How much does that epic fail hurt him in free agency?

  2. Thanks for reading, Robert.

    I'd say this hurts him very little (other than the obvious getting a line drive to the groin). He's probably still going to make a lot of mercenary level bank from some big East Coast team, particularly one that's looking to replace an aging Godzilla.
